Category Archives: Management Articles

A Sense Of Purpose

Whatever jobs people do, it is important that they feel their efforts at work are worthwhile and are valued. After all, nobody enjoys working at what are seemingly pointless tasks day after day. Managers and supervisors play a direct role in ensuring the work allocated to their direct reports is seen as purposeful by them.…
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Recognising the “I” in Team

In today’s competitive business environment, organisations increasingly rely on teamwork to achieve superior results. Transformational leadership is known to encourage teamwork. (more…)
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Perseverance and Success

At school I was an average student. Unlike some of my highly intelligent classmates, I found it hard doing the homework that was set and often wanted to just give up. When I got to this point of “throwing in the towel” my mother would say to me “If you want to succeed then you…
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Managing Flexible Workers

Flexible working can provide benefits for both an organisation's customers and the organisation, yet many managers are struggling to manage when their team has flexible workers in it. (more…)
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Unleash Your Middle Managers

The role of the middle manager is to help the senior management team implement the company strategy: they are the oil that keeps everything working. However, this important level of management is often taken for granted and left under trained. Unleashing the potential in your middle managers can inspire them to raise their game, so…
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Engage your Managers to Engage your Employees

[caption id="attachment_2449" align="alignright" width="300"] Disengaged managers create disengaged staff[/caption] It is well documented that employees are far more likely to be engaged if their managers are engaged. However, a recent Gallup survey in the US showed that nearly 60% of managers are not engaged or are actively disengaged. Whilst the UK may not be as…
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Managing Your Emotions

Good managers, it is often said, must keep their emotions out of any situation. But research shows that suppressing your negative emotions is likely to make things worse rather than better. When we try to suppress our emotions the amygdala, which is the brain’s emotional centre, is actually stimulated. So rather than suppressing our negative…
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Improving Team Productivity

Talk to anyone in work and they will tell you that they are busy. Yet there has been much coverage in the recent press, on TV and on the radio about the latest ONS statistics that the productivity of the UK workforce is too low. Indeed, the official statistics show that other G7 countries are…
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How to be a Manager

Here is a “tongue in cheek” look at some common management mistakes. We are sure that you would never do these! (more…)
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Using Money As An Incentive

My sister has three children and, like all mums, wanted them to get good grades. She resorted to monetary incentives to motivate them to do well. Reflecting back on what she did got me thinking about using money incentives at work. Incentive schemes are becoming an increasingly popular way of motivating employees to achieve superior…
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