Category Archives: Business Skills Articles

Team Work – Ten Qualities

Assuming you had the opportunity to start a new team and could select anyone from your organisation to be on it, who would you pick? What factors, apart from the right technical skills, should you use to select your team members? (more…)
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The Human Touch

Most organisations train their customer service staff to use a script so that specific greetings, phrases and company slogans are recited to all customers in a cheerful, upbeat voice. Unfortunately, this means that customers rarely receive the guidance and support they need because the customer service team are unable to handle situations that require them…
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How to Get More Done In Less Time

Why is it that some people seem to get twice as much done as others – even though they both have the same amount of time in which to do those things? The answer is highly productive people do eight simple things that allows them to reach their deadlines without fail, despite juggling multiple projects.…
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The Masterful Meetings Habit

Most meetings at work do not deliver the benefits they could, or should, deliver. They are too long, too dull, not focused enough… and that is just for starters. So how can you improve the effectiveness of your meetings? Here are some tips to help you. (more…)
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Have a Go!

Throughout the month of June the Festival of Learning runs its “Have a Go” month. So to help support all adult learners in this blog we look at some tips to help you develop your own “have a go” attitude. (more…)
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Changing Your Habits

Habits, we all have them! On any given day our habits account for about 40 percent of our behaviours, according to researchers at Duke University. They are those small decisions we make and actions we perform without even thinking about them. They shape the type of person we are and how effective or successful we…
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Changing Poor Time Management Habits

One of the biggest challenges many people face is changing their unproductive time management habits. Here are 3 techniques our trainers use to enable people to change their poor work habits. (more…)
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What Your Desk Says About You

Would you consider yourself a productive person? Before you read any further, please take a good look at your work desk. What is on it? Is it covered with piles of files and paper work? Or is it neat and tidy? If your desk isn’t always neat and tidy does it really matter? Some recent…
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Problems With Problem Solving

In business, as in life, we have to solve problems every day. Managers in particular are expected to demonstrate effective problem solving skills, as this is what they are employed to do. Yet many managers have problems when it comes to problem solving. (more…)
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Learning to Serve the Customer

Customer satisfaction, as many businesses have come to realise, is the key to long term profitability and success. But it is not enough to simply have well-trained sales team. Customer satisfaction is achieved mainly through the actions of a company’s non-sales employees, and in particular their behaviour during any contact they have with customers, whether…
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